El Dorado County

El Dorado County is the most populated and highly developed county in the Mother Lode Land Trust’s region. MLLT has easements stretching from the north part of the county, on the American River, to the south county border with Amador County. MLLT is in the process of expanding outreach to large private landowners in the western part of El Dorado county.

Chili Bar

Our farthest northern property is Chili Bar Reservoir in El Dorado County. Chili Bar Reservoir and associated lands were originally part of the Stewardship Council’s effort to protect important watershed lands. To learn about this two-decade-long process check out their website. This property is now owned by SMUD and MLLT holds the conservation easement. These beautiful foothill parcels are along the south branch of the American River. The conservation easement protects 205 acres of watershed land for public hiking, nature observation, and great fishing.

For more access information see Alltrails website and search for Sandbar Trail.


Calaveras County


Tuolumne County