Happy 2024!
As I write this short note, winter has yet to arrive in full force. But, looking back to the beginning of 2023 we know the snow can arrive with a vengeance! While the snowpack in the Sierra was record setting for 2023 we have been working hard at setting new records ourselves. Here at the Mother Lode Land Trust we have had more public engagement and more public events than ever before. Thanks to people like yourself we have had many victories in fundraising, events, outreach and new land acquisition.
Newly Protected Long Gulch Ranch
Land Acquisition
The California Strategic Growth Council approved a Sustainable Lands Conservation Program grant last month providing the remaining funding needed to permanently protect an additional 319 acres in the Pine Mountain Lake area outside of Groveland. Earlier, MLLT received the first half of the funding from Sierra Nevada Conservancy through their Strategic Land Conservation program. Together, these two agencies will make it possible to expand the existing Long Gulch Preserve to 895 acres—protecting an important agricultural resource, providing recreational opportunities for residents, and ensuring long-term conservation of habitat for great gray owl and other species.
The global headquarters for the Mother Lode Land Trust , the historic Chichizola and Cuneo Ranch has been the site of community garden expansion, a new mountain bike club, a new store manager and continued successful partnership with our partners like the Rose Garden, Amador Trail Stewardship, and Master Gardeners.
Photo by Karen Orso
Our newly acquired Erickson Ranch, an oak dotted property with beautiful views of the High Sierra and the Valley is being well used by the community. A special thanks to Karen Orso for the amazing photo of the hawk above!
This includes our partners Amador County Library, California State Library and Wild Intent Yoga who have been hosting free yoga classes on the property in Sutter Creek.
Finally, we have reached a lot of land owners with our outreach program, which is designed to help us to spread the word about our conservation efforts to folks throughout our region. Our next outreach meeting is being planned for Mokelumne Hill. Stay tuned for details!
As always, we could not do any of this without the continued support of individuals like yourself. Please consider making a tax deductible donation today!
Thank you for a great year and all your support of the Mother Lode Land Trust!