Spring ahead at the C and C Ranch

As spring rolls in we welcome the blossoms, blooms, and the new season’s offerings. At the C and C ranch property in Jackson, an exciting season is also budding ahead. 


Community garden plots are available for reservation now, and soon the site will be full of new plant starts and anticipation. To reserve a garden bed, please visit: https://motherlodelandtrust.org/community-garden


An accessible pathway from the parking lot is being planned and is slated for spring construction, making the access to the garden beds and prop house smooth. Along with the development, we are acquiring 2 adaptive trail chairs for tours of our property. Stay tuned for more details as the program dates and details are announced.

To the west of Jackson Gate road, a park and open space are being established, including a bicycle skills park thanks to a partnership with Amador Trail Stewardship. Last year the group developed the foundation for the park when they hosted a youth cycling league at the ranch. After being awarded grant funding, the group is making safety and access improvements to open the site to the public. Stay tuned for the opening dates, information on the league can be found at https://www.amadortrailstewardship.org/ambc

If you have not stopped by the garden site, it’s time to plan a visit. Upcoming events include:

Plant sale

Rose garden tours


happy spring


New adventures at the historic store